Sunday 14 December 2014

The Beast as to the Bop - A Modern Fairytale set in the Misty Hills of the Yarra Ranges

So after a few weeks of this we began to realise that maybe, just maybe, we could make some money out of this. Perhaps not a lot. Maybe just some pocket money. But this was definitely turning into a legitimate side hustle. Mr G suggested to Ms P that before we start running afoul of the revenue office perhaps we better go full legit and get ourselves a registered business name. But what to call ourselves and more importantly, what's a good name that we can register a domain for that hasn't all ready been taken?

Coming up with an original business name wasn't too hard and if we were content to settle for a domain only again the choices were quite varied. However whilst we suspect that the bulk of our business will come from Australia we decided it would be best to have a universal .com address. Mr G had recently read an article on successful businesses, and one of the key points was to pick a business name that doesn't tie you down to selling one thing or to be stuck trading in one key area. The article had claimed this had been what had made Apple so successful. Mr G's eyes lit up when he read that. For he had been an unrepentant die hard Apple fanboy since he was, well, a boy playing snake on his dad's Apple II in the 80's. However neither of us expected ourselves to ever achieve such illustriousness and would really be quite happy if one day, some time in the distant future, this side hustle could become the main gig, the bread and butter of the beastbopper family and Mr G and Mz P could quit their jobs and Fly Solo on the armored wings of the implausible and entirely fictional Beast of the Bop.

So Mr G & Mz P set down to the task of coming up with an original and inspiring name. A steady flow of unexciting names spewed forth and we won't deign to bore you with them now. Anytime any remotely interesting name came to mind, alas, it was all ready taken. One night, Mr G was reading a bedtime story to Baby Beast. The story was the classic fairy-tale story 'Beauty and the Beast'. Mz P happened to be passing by the bedroom when she heard it and it reminded her of how different her and Mr G could often be. Mz P likes to listen to music and constantly dance, she loves the rockabilly style and can be a real bopper. Mr G, on the other hand, is more akin to the beast in the story, preferring to spend quiet nights at home, reading a good book or losing himself staring into the flickering flames of a warm hearth. Suffice to say, the similarities in regards to looks were also relevant but the less said about that the better...

And so with the sprinkling of a great idea in her mind, Mz P fluttered to her laptop and searched for the domain
She couldn't believe what she found....

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